Now and then I enjoy writing a few things down for someone...anyone to hear, think about and maybe discuss. I hope you enjoy my blogs!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Don't forget to smile at someone today. It could be YOUR smile that makes a world of difference.
If you or someone you know needs a laugh check out my "Off The Mark" link on the side.
- Simply Me

Mother-Child Bond

The bond between mother and child is the most intimate bond in human experience. Love, welcome, and receptivity should all be present in abundance.
- Dr. Christiane Northrup

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Aging Gracefully

The experience of aging as we know it is largely determined by beliefs that need updating. Though many people do decline with age in this culture, this decline is not a natural consequence of aging – it is a consequence of our collective beliefs about aging.
- Dr. Christiane Northrup
