Now and then I enjoy writing a few things down for someone...anyone to hear, think about and maybe discuss. I hope you enjoy my blogs!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


According to Elections Canada, only 25.4% of 18 to 24 year olds voted at the 2000 general election. That means nearly 75% of young Canadians did not participate in selecting this country's government. When politicians know in advance that most young people don't vote, they may be less interested in making the effort to be responsive to issues that matter to younger Canadians.
If you want to influence what happens in your community and to our country your vote needs to be cast on Monday, January 23, 2006 . If you are not sure what voting is all about visit and click on the Young Voters link. Also visit each party online: Bloc Québécois, Canadian Action, Christian Heritage Party, Communist, Conservative Party, Green Party, Liberal Party, Libertarian, Marijuana Party, Marxist-Leninist, NDP, PC Party, WBP, & FPNP. Currently the only options we have to vote for are the Conservative Party, Green Party, Liberal Party, and NDP. But it is still a good idea to learn about the others and what they stand for.
